On Tuesday and Thursday mornings EM goes to preschool for 2 1/2 hours. I thought this was going to give me a GOOD break a couple days a week. I'd be able to clean the house, do laundry, maybe even read a book! Wishful thinking. For those 2 1/2 hours I am on LuV entertainment duty. With no big sister to play with, I get to attempt to replace EM. I don't do a very GOOD job. LuV walks around the house, calling "E? E?" It isn't as fun to read stories or play games when it's just the two of us. She misses EM and all her silliness. She's whiny and needy and 11:30 can't get here soon enough. At about 11:20 I announce that it's time to go "bye-bye" so we can get EM. Immediately her face brightens and she reaches for me to pick her up and get her loaded into the car. Today as we drove to pick EM up I looked back at LuV in my rear view mirror. She was looking longingly at EM's empty booster seat. We all agree, life is so much more fun with EM around.
That is so good that they play well together. Gordon is a little too rough with Edison and ends up hurting him more often than not. I'm hoping that won't last too much longer.
That's sweet that they play well together. It's a 50/50 here. Sometimes Spencer and Lily are so cute together and other times they are fighting like cats and dogs.
Love your blog and the nursing thing... Don't let Emily give you a hard time. I'm sure it will be soon. You could maybe pump your milk and see if she will take it and slowly mix cows milk with it until she likes the taste of it?
Sorry I don't have any answers, it was pretty easy to wean my kids?
Can't wait to get together next week. Twilight movie, Candy contest (we're gonna win) and day after Thanksgiving sales! I'm really excited!
How cute is that?! I hope EM and LuV grow up being friends...unlike me and my sister.
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