Except what will I be saying when she's 18 months? Or two years? Heaven forbid I end up one of those mothers who's still nursing her kindergartner! I don't know if I'm ready to quit (okay, if I'm being honest, I was ready to quit six months ago). I want LuV to be ready (okay, if I'm being honest, she may NEVER be ready). So what does one in my predicament do? She is not a great eater. She does not drink cow's milk or soy's milk or any other milk than momma's milk. I know she won't starve to death, but sometimes it feels like pulling the plug on nursing is literally pulling the plug. After all, I am her life support, am I not?
So to my faithful readers, all three of you, (and I apologize to any of you who may be uncomfortable with this topic) I ask, what age is too old? At what age does the thought of a child STILL nursing repulse you? When will I become the topic of family discussions (where I am conveniently not present)? "Did you hear that SaM STILL nurses LuV? How disgusting! She really needs to stop." I don't want any of you throwing up in your mouths, not even a little bit, when I am the topic of conversation. When do I become one of THOSE moms, that even I have talked about, rolled my eyes at, made judgemental judgements about, and thought to myself, "I would NEVER nurse a child that long...that is just so wrong."?
And then, once I have my answer of when, where to even begin with the HOW?!
You worry too much! I would give you some advice if I knew any, but I don't. I don't think it's that big of a deal. You just decide when its time. I'll let you know if the fam start to talk!
~Good Luck~
Anything longer than a year is just weird! I'm a guy and we've had 4 kids and my wife hasn't nursed any of them, so my opinion isn't worth anything, but by a year, I think kids should be changing their own diapers, getting their own cereal, and putting themselves to bed. But who am I to talk? Our 20 month old has spent MAYBE 2 nights out of my bed.
Well- I can't give you any advice, but you definitely don't repulse me- just whenever you feel emotionally prepared to wrestle with lauren:) Can't wait to see you!
Love Katie
Be honest, I am the only one giving you a hard time about this? Am I the one your talking about here? I would say- just go for it. It is not going to be as bad as you think it is. And that's all I'll say about it.
I so look up to you for nursing her this long! I can't nurse my babies longer than a few months so I think what you are doing is amazing. So since I'm a incapable nurser, I have no advice for you. I just wanted you to know that I think you are great and I love you!
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